It’s up to your preferences.

There are 3 options: my place, your place or you can book apartment/hotel

It’s just important to understand why you want to make this ceremony and what you want to get.

Sure. If you feel that you need it – follow your instinct. It never fails.

Once I made a ceremony for the woman who gave birth 20 years ago and it was truly a healing process.

Sure. There are so many reasons to do it:

  • A Celebration of Life. Care and love. 
  • Moving to another city/country 
  • A crisis moment in business
  • Unexpected business expansion or opening of a business 
  • Birthday celebration
  • Change of business 
  • Deep rest and relaxation 
  • “A desire to be held and protected”
  • A name/sex change
  • Coming out of a serious illness 

If you feel a change in yourself and around you, feel the desire to try the ceremony, but can’t formulate the request, write to me, I will help you understand the transformation. We will discuss together where you are coming from and where you may be headed to. 

Yes, you can, but make sure that this person is really interested in living the experience.

No, I personally work with everyone beyond 16 y.o.

The roots of this beautiful ceremony lie in the origins of the Mexican and Slavic cultures of the postpartum recovery of Women. This process also has another name – “Closing the Bones Ceremony”. It was thought that the Soul of the woman in labor went to the other world for the Soul of the child, and when she came back she had to “close” the doors to the other world, so that the energy didn’t flow out. So, some may choose to perceive the ceremony as a ritual, which is also valid. 

While working in the Gestalt approach and yoga therapy, I was surprised to find that for me the whole process of ceremony is similar to body-oriented therapy. At the same time the process is beautiful, fulfilling, and yet very therapeutic for the body, the mind and the Soul. 

It is also a celebration. A celebration of Life and any changes and transitions that Life brings – big and small, happy and bitter. Changes can indeed be different, and I know two things for sure: harmoniously and healthily lived transitions make us stronger, and the ceremony is the perfect tool for that. 

You can never confuse a real transition with anything else. It is often an event that divides your life into BEFORE and AFTER, a very meaningful and emotionally charged one. The place where you feel like you are losing something and gaining something at the same time: a role, a status, an emotional state, a commitment, etc.

Here are transitions and situations which you may come with: 

  •  The birth of a child. A woman enters a new stage – motherhood. It is very different for everyone, sometimes unexpectedly joyful, and sometimes, on the contrary, shocking and draining. And it is very important for young mothers to receive support and care, in order to be able to give their love every day to a new little person. To be heard and accepted with all of the feelings. Bodywork during the ceremony contributes to a better postpartum recovery. 
  • Loss of a child or a loved one. Of course, it is almost impossible to go through such losses easily, the only thing that is possible is to reach the stage of “acceptance” after a certain time and with the support of a therapist. It is important to talk, to share, to grieve, to admit helplessness and to get support. The ceremony will help you find more energy and feel empowered to cope even with such grief.
  • Breaking up with a partner/divorce. Breakups are always a loss, and first and foremost a loss of a part of yourself that was once close to the person. Dreaming, making plans, worrying about the partner, trusting, getting to know yourself through your partner, experiencing togetherness and loneliness. All in all, a bunch of feelings that aren’t always easy to acknowledge, to let them be, to not devalue them, to then finally put the pieces of yourself back together again. It may be a process of closing the doors to the past and opening yourself up to the future. To be reborn as a phoenix bird. It all comes together in the ceremony, too. 
  • Weddings. It’s always very exciting and awe-inspiring, yet there can be a lot more to it… First, with the help of the ritual one can ask and receive the blessing of the whole world for your event. It can be celebrated beautifully and symbolically. Secondly, it is a way to mourn the pre-marital stage, to take valuable gifts from it, to thank that stage of life and to move into the new stage with a light heart. The new stage may be very different, yet beautiful in its own way.
  • Recover your physical and mental strength
  • Let go of stuck feelings, safely and with my support 
  • Dedicate the day to caring and loving yourself
  • Symbolically close the doors to the past and open to the new
  • The past will stop pulling at your energies and desires
  • Take experiences from the past and discover your power
  • Get support in your postpartum recovery
  • Celebrate important events
  • Reconnect with your true self
  • – Feel a sense of rebirth and find your new self

Inflammatory processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, cancer, unstable mental state


I work specifically with your requests, so you can achieve your goals more efficiently

It depends on your schedule. I always recommend doing regularly, so 2-3 times per week is enough.

No, only if you want to diversify your practice

Yes, it’s a special practice that will support woman hormonal system

Not really, because yoga therapy is a gentle method and it has many ways of adaptive poses


No, it’s for everyone

Inflammatory processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, cancer


Both formats are available

  • Clear up a worrying situation 
  • Identify obstacles on the way to your goal
  • See a problem from thу other side
  • Find your resource to move forward
  • Deal with hard feelings with my support
  • Open access to creative power